Privacy Policy


Part 1: How information will We do with all the information you provide?

For the purposes of our buying process, and selling one you purchase something from our shop, we will collect your personal data like your name, email address and address.

When you browse our store it also records the internet protocol (IP) address in order to supply us with data which helps us understand your browser and operating system.

If you accept you are happy, we\’ll send emails to inform you about new items, products and our store as well as any other details.

Section 2. Consent

How can you get my approval for purchases?

If you provide personal information to us for an order or check your credit card, complete an order, make arrangements for delivery, or to return a purchased item, that you agree to its collection and usage for this specific purpose only.

If we ask for the information we collect from you for a secondary reason, like marketing, we will orally ask for your expressed consent, or give you an option to decline.

3. Disclosure

We might share your personal information in the event that we are compelled by law or if you violate our Terms of Service.


Our third-party service suppliers that us use generally collect, store, and use your personal information to the extent needed to supply the service to us.

Certain third-party service providers, such as payment processors and payment gateways offer privacy guidelines for the details we have to give them to process your payment.

We recommend you review the privacy guidelines of these companies so that you understand what information you provide will be used by these companies.

Be aware that some providers could be located in or have facilities that are located outside of the jurisdictions that are we or you. It is possible that you must follow local laws in relation in a transaction that requires the services of a third party.

Section 5. SECURITY

To safeguard your information, we take reasonable precautions and use industry standard methods to ensure that your information is not lost, misused, accessed, disclosed, altered or destroyed.

Credit card details are stored in a secure format AES-256 by using Secure Socket Layer (SSL). Although transmissions over the Internet cannot be 100% secure and electronic storage cannot guarantee that they are 100% safe, we have implemented all PCI DSS requirements as well as additional standards in the industry.

Section 6 – The Age at which you can CONSENT

This site is only available to people who have attained the age of legality to be legally able to do that in the state where they have residency.